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Sustainable refresh for furnished rooms Bornsesteeg

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In the summer of 2021, Idealis began refurbishing and redecorating 187 furnished rooms at Bornsesteeg. Sustainability and circularity were important pillars in the refresh process.

First the basics were tackled, with fresh, modern paintwork and new flooring. Then the redecoration could begin.

Recyclable raw materials
The furniture was carefully chosen; they are items made from sustainable and recyclable raw materials. For example, the bed consists of panels that are only 25% new wood and 30% recycled wood and about 44% residual products from sawmills (such as wood shavings and chips).

The same applies to the cabinets, among others.The plastic of the chairs is also reusable and made of recycled hard plastic. The frame (metal), is reusable or 100% recyclable. And of course there is LED lighting, with energy label A.

Thus, each item, as well as each part of the total refreshment process, has its own environmentally friendly approach. It is also worth mentioning that a new purpose has been found for the old furniture.

Upgrade more rooms
In the summer of 2022, Idealis will continue with the upgrading of 300 other furnished rooms.

More information: Jeroen Roeling, Idealis